Today I read a blog post from a colleague of mine, I would post a link to his blog, but at this moment I do not want to drive away any kind of traffic from my blog. This is about ME you know... Anyway my friend (who will remain nameless until I deem it fit) wrote a 4,000 word blog about his predictions on the upcoming Oscars.. needless to say.. it was AWESOME.. the dude is entertaining and brilliant.. bastard. Ok fine here's his damn blog.. but if you don't come back to mine I hope the people from "The Strangers" come knocking on your window next Wednesday night at 3:25 am.
Ok back to me.. The [KAMERATA] Mixtape is out now.. reaching 450 downloads.. and I'm very proud of the way things are going with that.. feel free to download it here:
Listen to it.. feel free to hit me up with your thoughts or criticisms, and if you like it spread the word..
I'm also now writing for a dope ass magazine... check it out here.. .. The Magazine is just starting but has great writers, friendly staff, and me.. haha.. ok I'm gonna completely switch from this aroma of cocky asshole..
Now that I have your attention.. or hopefully the picture above drove you into reading this since whatever this dude is on goes gold..
What's the deal with this dude.. really? Like nothing about this dude impresses me except the ability to sound intelligent next to this other schmuck...
Just listen to this dude talk...
is this what hip hops become? Bart Simpson pendants and incomprehensible lyrics.. mann if i could sing i wouldn't be a damn rapper.. fans now a days disgust me.. keep stunting with your daddy lil wayne... I'll keep bitching and moaning
Maybe I'm bitter.. this has nothing to do with who these people are as individuals.. they might be mr. civilian of the decade.. helping old ladies cross streets.. building parks for the youth and all that.. but when it comes down to the music... chill... and I am not "hating." That is not the solution or reply anyone should have... Have the common courtesy of thinking then writing out a proper fucking response.. "Hating" has taken an elevation in the slang realm that infuriates the fuck out of me.. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I'm "Hating"... I just don't like the fucking thing.. my opinion.. Maybe I don't understand.. Maybe i've turned into my father when he used to tell me to turn off that crap music.. I have no idea..
Well that's all for now.. I know this post has no flow or continuity or none of that.. but A. I don't give a fuck... and B. It's my blog..
Later Morons..
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